This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Denoising or clustering the sequences


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • Is it better to denoise or cluster sequence data?

  • Learn to cluster sequences into OTUs with the VSEARCH pipeline


Now that our sequences have been trimmed and filtered, we can proceed to the next step, which will create a set of representative sequences. We do this by clustering all the sequences to look for biologically meaningful sequences, those that are thought to represent actual taxa, while trying to avoid differences caused by sequence or PCR errors, and remove any chimeric sequences.

Scientists are currently debating on what the best approach is to obtain biologically meaningful or biologically correct sequences. There are numerous papers published on this topic. Unfortunately, this is something that is outside the scope of this workshop to go into at depth. But here is the basic information…

There are basically two trains of thought, clustering the dataset or denoising the dataset. With clustering the dataset, an OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit) sequence should be at least a given percentage different from all other OTUs and should be the most abundant sequence compared to similar sequences. People traditionally chose to cluster at 97%, which means that the variation between sequences should be at least 3%. The concept of OTU clustering was introduced in the 1960s and has been debated ever since. With denoising the dataset, on the other hand, the algorithm attempts to identify all correct biological sequences in the dataset, which is visualized in the figure below. This schematic shows a clustering threshold at 100% and trying to identify errors based on abundance differences. The retained sequences are called ZOTU or Zero-radius Operational Taxonomic Unit. In other software programs they might also be called ASVs.

For purposes of clarity, we will call all these representative sequences OTUs, as that is the most common and oldest term for this type.


This difference in approach may seem small but has a very big impact on your final dataset!

When you denoise the dataset, it is expected that one species may have more than one ZOTU, while if you cluster the dataset, it is expected that an OTU may have more than one species assigned to it. This means that you may lose some correct biological sequences that are present in your data when you cluster the dataset, because they will be clustered together. In other words, you will miss out on differentiating closely related species and intraspecific variation. For denoising, on the other hand, it means that when the reference database is incomplete, or you plan to work with ZOTUs instead of taxonomic assignments, your diversity estimates will be highly inflated.

For this workshop, we will follow the clustering pathway, since most people are working on vertebrate datasets with good reference databases and are interested in taxonomic assignments.

Prior to clustering or denoising, we need to dereplicate our data into unique sequences. Since metabarcoding data is based on an amplification method, the same starting DNA molecule can be sequenced multiple times. In order to reduce file size and computational time, it is convenient to combine these duplicated sequences as one and retain information on how many were combined. Additionally, we will remove sequences that only occur once in our data and attribute them to sequence and PCR error. Lastly, we will sort the sequences based on abundance.

Before we do all of this, we need to combine all of the fasta files into a single file. In the terminal, navigate to the data/fasta/ folder:

$ cd ~/obss_2021/edna/data/fasta

Now we will just concatenate all the fasta files into one using the cat command:

$ cat *.fasta > combined.fasta

For the actual dereplication, size sorting, and clustering, we will be running these commands using bash scripts. Therefore, we need to navigate back to the scripts/ folder and create a new script.

$ cd ../../scripts

Build a script to dereplicate the data and sort sequences based on abundance

Similarly to the previous script, we will use the nano text editor to generate the .sh file


For this and the next scripts, we will use the program VSEARCH ( To load this module, we can source the file, as you did in the previous script.


Remember that the bash script is being executed from the scripts folder. Since we want to save our OTUs in the otus folder, we will need to indicate this in the script.

In this bash script, we will run two commands: one to dereplicate the sequences and another to sort the sequences by abundance. Below, you can find the two commands for this. Please note that in a bash script we can run commands sequentially by putting them one after another. Also note how the second command uses an input file that was generated as an output file in the first command.

vsearch --derep_fulllength "INPUT_FILENAME_1" --minuniquesize 2 --sizeout --output "OUTPUT_FILENAME_1" --relabel Uniq.

vsearch --sortbysize "OUTPUT_FILENAME_1" --output "OUTPUT_FILENAME_2"

Similarly to what we did during the first bash script, we can exit out of nano by pressing ctr+x, followed by y and enter to save the file.

Remember that to run the script, we use bash, followed by the filename.



Your script should look like this:


cd ../otus/

vsearch --derep_fulllength ../data/fasta/combined.fasta \
--minuniquesize 2 \
--sizeout \
--output derep_combined.fasta \
--relabel Uniq.

vsearch --sortbysize derep_combined.fasta \
--output sorted_combined.fasta

To check if everything executed properly, we can list the files that are in the otus folder and check if both output files have been generated (derep_combined.fasta and sorted_combined.fasta).

$ ls -ltr ../otus/
-rw-rw----+ 1 hugh.cross nesi02659 545795 Nov 24 03:52 derep_combined.fasta
-rw-rw----+ 1 hugh.cross nesi02659 545795 Nov 24 03:52 sorted_combined.fasta

We can also check how these commands have altered our files. Let’s have a look at the sorted_combined.fasta file, by using the head command.

$ head ../otus/sorted_combined.fasta

Study Questions

What do you think the following parameters are doing?

  • --sizeout
  • --minuniquesize 2
  • --relabel Uniq.


--sizeout: this will print the number of times a sequence has occurred in the header information. You can use the head command on the sorted file to check how many times the most abundant sequence was encountered in our sequencing data.

--minuniquesize 2: only keeps the dereplicated sequences if they occur twice or more. To check if this actually happened, you can use the tail command on the sorted file to see if there are any dereplicates sequences with --sizeout 1.

--relabel Uniq.: this parameter will relabel the header information to Uniq. followed by an ascending number, depending on how many different sequences have been encountered.

Now that we have dereplicated and sorted our sequences, we can cluster our data, remove chimeric sequences, and generate a frequency table. We will do this by generating our third script

Build a script to generate a frequency table

Again, we will use the nano text editor to generate the .sh file


We will be using VSEARCH again for all three commands, so we will need to source the file in our script.


Remember that the bash script is being executed from the scripts folder. For all three commands, we will output the generated files in the otus folder. Therefore, we will need to indicate this in the bash script.

In this bash script, we will run three commands: one to cluster the sequences using a user-specified similarity threshold, one to remove chimeric sequences, and one to generate a frequency table. Below, you can find all three commands that we will use.

vsearch --cluster_size "OUTPUT_FILENAME_2" --centroids "OUTPUT_FILENAME_3" --sizein --id 0.97 --sizeout

vsearch --uchime3_denovo "OUTPUT_FILENAME_3" --sizein --fasta_width 0 --nonchimeras "OUTPUT_FILENAME_4" --relabel OTU.

vsearch --usearch_global "INPUT_FILENAME_1" --db "OUTPUT_FILENAME_4" --id 0.97 --otutabout "OUTPUT_FILENAME_5"

Similarly to what we did during the first bash script, we can exit out of nano by pressing ctr+x, followed by y and enter to save the file.

Remember that to run the script, we use bash, followed by the filename.



Your script should look like this:


cd ../otus/

vsearch --cluster_size sorted_combined.fasta \
--centroids centroids.fasta \
--sizein \
--id 0.97 \

vsearch --uchime3_denovo centroids.fasta \
--sizein \
--fasta_width 0 \
--nonchimeras otus.fasta \
--relabel OTU.

vsearch --usearch_global ../data/fasta/combined.fasta \
--db otus.fasta \
--id 0.97 \
--otutabout otu_frequency_table.tsv


Check the example commands above, do you need to change any paths?

Study Questions

The results of the last script creates three files: centroids.fasta, otus.fasta, and otu_frequency_table.tsv. Let’s have a look at these files to see what the output looks like. From looking at the output, can you guess what some of these VSEARCH parameters are doing?

  • --sizein
  • --sizeout
  • --centroids
  • --relabel

How about --fasta_width 0? Try rerunning the script without this command to see if you can tell what this option is doing.

Hint: you can always check the help documentation of the module by loading the module source and calling the help documentation vsearch -h or by looking at the manual of the software, which can usually be found on the website.

Optional extra 1

We discussed the difference between denoising and clustering. You can change the last script to have VSEARCH do clustering instead of denoising. Make a new script to run clustering. It is similar to, except you do not use the vsearch --cluster_unoise command. Instead you will use:

vsearch --cluster_unoise sorted_combined.fasta --sizein --sizeout --fasta_width 0 --centroids centroids_unoise.fasta

You will still need the commands to remove chimeras and create a frequency table. Make sure to change the names of the files so that you are making a new frequency table and OTU fasta file (maybe call it asvs.fasta). If you leave the old name in, it will be overwritten when you run this script.

Give it a try and compare the number of OTUs between clustering and denoising outputs.

Optional extra 2

The --id argument is critical for clustering. What happens if you raise or lower this number? Try rerunning the script to see how it changes the results. Note: make sure to rename the output each time or you will not be able to compare to previous runs.

Key Points

  • Clustering sequences into OTUs can miss closely related species

  • Denoising sequences can create overestimate diversity when reference databases are incomplete